Buying a house close to work is not as easy as it may seem. When you work in an urban area, commuting problems can make it difficult to live on the outskirts of the city. And if you are looking for cheaper housing, your commute will take longer because you have to drive farther. It can be a challenge finding a balance between affordability and convenience, but there are many strategies that can help. Go to to see more.
What does getting closer to work involve?
The first step in figuring out how close you should purchase to your workplace is determining how far from home you can tolerate driving on average each day and week. Estimating this number will allow you determine what areas of town might be feasible for home purchasing. The average length of daily commutes for people living in the United States is 25.5 minutes, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. This figure does not include extensive travel required for long-distance commuters or people living in rural areas who may drive more than an hour each way to work. The term “commute” usually refers to a daily trip between home and work that one makes on a regular basis. Long-distance commuting describes extra driving done from a residence to an outlying job site or from a workplace to an outlying facility, such as a business trip.
Without commuting data, the only way to determine the distance you can tolerate is by observing how long it takes you to get to work each day. If your daily drive is normally 25 minutes or less, you will probably be able to find a suitable home in most residential areas of a city. However, if your commute is more than 30 minutes each way, you may want to consider living further away from your workplace.
How much does it cost?
The next step after determining how far from home is appropriate for your commute is questioning yourself about what kind of housing you need and how much you are willing to spend. The cost of living, or Cost of Living Index found on the U.S. Census Bureau website, allows you to compare one city to another in terms of average costs for housing, transportation, and other expenses such as utilities and groceries. The lower the cost of living index, the more affordable a city will be for you if you are looking to buy a house that is close to work.